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UK School Level Computer Science Qualifications

Listed here are Computing and Computer Science school level qualifications available in the United Kingdom (UK). The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) and Ordinary Level (O-Level) exams are commonly taken at the end of Year 11 (pupils reach the age of sixteen during that year). The Advance Level (A-Level) is commonly taken at the end of Year 13 (pupils reach the age of eighteen during that year). Some colleges offer these qualifications to mature students. Some schools allow pupils to take certain examinations one or two years (or more) earlier, based upon their ability and the school's exam planning schedule.

Computer Science Pupil

Note: The exam based O-Level and A-Level are part of the General Certificate of Education (GCE) UK system of academic qualifications. An Advanced Subsidiary Level (AS-Level or A1-Level) also exists and sits between O-Level and A-Level. The GCSE has traditionally had a higher proportion or marks obtained through coursework instead of examinations.

List of GCSE, O-Level and A-Level Computing Subjects

This list deals with computer science qualifications, learning how computers work from the inside out and how to program them. The list is not intended to cover ICT (Information and Communications Technology), i.e. learning how to use computers as an office tool in everyday life and the workplace.





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